Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Roofing Contracting Services Business Improvements

This year is closing on all of us fast, and at RCS we have enjoyed a great year. Compared to the previous two years we have come up about 50% in sales volume. We have certainly worked hard for it.

This can be attributed to a few factors:
  • Darrin, has left the comforts of the office and got back to the roof with our clients and crews two years ago. This has helped bring the repair-work significantly, to a non-existent or very small list. 
  • Our clients DO NOT have "the lowest price is the best" attitude. This allows us to "do the job right the first time" by upgrading to quality and high warrantee product lines and applications. 
  • RCS has improved the personal experience for all of our projects and clients. We commit the time for each individual challenge, and your solutions.
  • On the customer service front, we've expanded our web services with a newly improved and informative website as well as joined various social media networks for people to engage about our work and our industry. 
I'm proud of all our installers who go through each job under pressure to get to the next project, and still deliver on a a daily basis quality projects. This speaks greatly of their experience and workmanship.

RCS Management

Roofing Contracting Services
705-735-9650 Office
705-735-2393 Fax
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