Friday, May 20, 2011

Rising oil prices, how did that happen? Facts the petroleum industry doesn’t want you to know.

Is it Bin Laden, Iraq, Pakistan, Oil spills in Southern US, how about Libya?

The production costs of oil and the demand remains similar or even less than a year ago. How does the price at the pump and the price of asphalt petroleum based, such as roofing materials price continue to increase more than thirty percent in one year. The real price per barrel, the true value, should be around $65 to $70 dollars per barrel.

Where does the more than 100 %( $125 to $130/barrel) mark-up come from.

Point your finger to….The Stock/Future Markets.

Banks, Financial Houses and Major Capital firms are responsible. Massive amount of oil “future stock” are traded on a regular basis. The amount of capital injected daily on “Futures” (shares that don’t exist, but gambling on rising market prices) are purchased solely on speculation, drive prices to what we see today. The futures bought and sold are enough to greatly influence world markets.

Regulators need to step in once again or the world will have another financial meltdown. The US and other countries played the same game on real estate markets and we know how that worked out.

Darrin Smith Roofing Contracting Services 
General Manager
705-735-9650 Office
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1 comment:

  1. Good and very informative blog. I am not into economics thing but understand what you have highlighted in the blog. Thanks for sharing it..
